The psychologists Bonnerup og Hasselager
Bonnerup & Hasselager was established in 2011. Our cooperation has grown steadily over the years and has evolved through writing literature, organizational consultancy, training students at the Master’s programme in Organizational Psychology but most of all through supervision, cooperation and mutual professional response in our work as psychologists.

About Annemette Hasselager
I am educated as a psychologist and a specialist and supervisor in organizational psychology. As a partner in Bonnerup & Hasselager I am working as organizational psychologist and therapist with individuals, groups and organizations. Since 2004 I am external lecturer and staff member at MPO, a Master’s Programme in organizational psychology at Roskilde University. I am educated and trained in ISTDP – intensive short term dynamic psychotherapy. I write books and articles on organizational psychology, primarily together with Birgitte. Our latest book “Love and Loneliness at Work” published at Routledge in 2019. I have been a member of ISPSO, International Society for the Psychoanalytical Studies of organization, since 2004.
2020 One year’s training in Advanced ISTDP
2016-19 Education in psychotherapy ISTDP (intensive short term dynamic psychotherapy)
2003 Qualified supervisor in work and organisational psychology, Danish Psychologist Association
2002 Qualified specialist in work and organisational psychology, Danish Psychologist Association
1999 Authorised psychologist, Danish Supervisory Board of Psychological Practice
1996-97 Training in organisational psychology, Institute for Group Analysis
1993 MA in Psychology, University of Copenhagen
Danish Psychologist Association
Organisational Psychology Society
Danish Psychological Association
ISPSO – International Society of the Psychoanalytical Study of Organizations
OPUS – Organisation for Promoting Understanding of Society
Danish Society for ISTDP
Previous employment
2010-14 External lecturer, Institute of Organisation, Copenhagen Business School
2004- External lecturer on the Master’s Degree Programme in Organisational Psychology (MPO) , Roskilde University
2002 Temporary external lecturer and member of staff at work conferences, Master’s Degree Programme in Organisational Psychology, Roskilde University
2002 Founded Hasselager Organisationspsykologi ApS
1999-02 Internal consultant, Health Administration, City of Copenhagen
1997-99 Development consultant in Ballerup Municipality
1994-95 Teaching assistant at the Psychological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen
1993-97 Psychologist, Occupational Health Service (BST) Glostrup, later BST Greater Copenhagen
1993 Freelance work
1993 Teaching assistant at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen